마산 학원 (이겨내자꼭)

#삼계 영어 #삼계 수학



이겨내자꼭 2023. 5. 18. 20:55



22. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?


Too many officials in troubled cities wrongly imagine that they can lead their city back to its former glories with some massive construction project a new stadium or light rail system, a convention center, or a housing project. With very few exceptions, no public policy can slow the tidal forces of urban change. We mustn’t ignore the needs of the poor people who live in the Rust Belt, but public policy should help poor people, not poor places. Shiny new real estate may dress up a declining city, but it doesn’t solve its underlying problems. The hallmark of declining cities is that they have too much housing and infrastructure relative to the strength of their economies. With all that supply of structure and so little demand, it makes no sense to use public money to build more supply. The folly of

building­centric urban renewal reminds us that cities aren’t structures; cities are people.


도시 재생을 위한 공공정책은 건설보다 사람에 중점을 두어야 한다.

대중 교통 이용이 편리하도록 도시 교통 체계를 구축해야 한다.

사회기반시설 확충을 통해 지역 경제를 활성화해야 한다.

에너지를 절감할 수 있는 친환경 건물을 설계해야 한다.

문화유산 보존을 우선하는 도시 계획을 수립해야 한다.


23. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?


Many marine species including oysters, marsh grasses, and fish were deliberately introduced for food or for erosion control, with little knowledge of the impacts they could have. Fish and shellfish have been intentionally introduced all over the world for aquaculture, providing food and jobs, but they can escape and become a threat to native species, ecosystem function, or livelihoods. Atlantic salmon are reared in ocean net­pens in Washington State and British Columbia. Many escape each year, and they have been recovered in both saltwater and freshwater in Washington State, British Columbia, and Alaska. Recreational fishing can also spread invasive species. Bait worms from Maine are popular throughout the country. They are commonly packed in seaweed which contains many other organisms. If the seaweed is discarded, it or the organisms on it can colonize new areas. Fishing boots, recreational boats, and trailers can pick up organisms at one location and move them elsewhere.

* aquaculture: 양식()


benefits of recreational ocean fishing

ways to maintain marine biodiversity

potential value of the ocean for ecotourism

contribution of ocean farming to food supply

human influence on the spread of invasive species


24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?


Before the fancy high­rises, financial headquarters, tourist centers, and souvenir peddlers made their way to Battery Park City, the area behind the World Trade Center was a giant, gross landfill. In 1982, artist Agnes Denes decided to return that landfill back to its roots, although temporarily. Denes was commissioned by the Public Art Fund to create one of the most significant and fantastical pieces of public work Manhattan has ever seen. Her concept was not a traditional sculpture, but a living installation that changed the way the public looked at art. In the name of art, Denes put a beautiful golden wheat field right in the shadow of the gleaming Twin Towers. For Wheatfield A Confrontation,Denes and volunteers removed trash from four acres of land, then planted amber waves of grain atop

the area. After months of farming and irrigation, the wheat field was thriving and ready. The artist and her volunteers harvested thousands of pounds of wheat to give to food banks in the city, nourishing both the minds and bodies of New Yorkers.


Living Public Art Grows from a Landfill

Why Does Art Fade Away in Urban Areas?

New York: Skyscraper Capital of the World

Art Narrows the Gap Between the Old and Young

How City Expansion Could Affect Food Production


26. Patricia Bath에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?


Patricia Bath spent her life advocating for eye health. Born in 1942, she was raised in the Harlem area of New York City. She graduated from Howard University’s College of Medicine in 1968. It was during her time as a medical intern that she saw that many poor people and Black people were becoming blind because of the lack of eye care. She decided to concentrate on ophthalmology, which is the branch of medicine that works with eye diseases and disorders. As her career progressed, Bath taught students in medical schools and trained other doctors. In 1976, she co­founded the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness (AiPB) with the basic principle that “eyesight is a basic human right.” In the 1980s, Bath began researching the use of lasers in eye treatments. Her research led to her becoming the first African­American female doctor to receive a patent for a medical device.


뉴욕 시의 Harlem 지역에서 성장했다.

1968년에 의과 대학을 졸업했다.

의과 대학에서 학생을 가르쳤다.

1976년에 AiPB를 단독으로 설립했다.

의료 장비 특허를 받았다.