마산 학원 (이겨내자꼭)

#삼계 영어 #삼계 수학


32. 33.

이겨내자꼭 2023. 1. 10. 18:49

32. When you’re driving a car, your memory of how to operate the vehicle comes from one set of brain cells; the memory of how to navigate the streets to get to your destination springs from another set of neurons; the memory of driving rules and following street signs originates from another family of brain cells; and the thoughts and feelings you have about the driving experience itself, including any close calls with other cars, come from yet another group of cells. You do not have conscious awareness of all these separate mental plays and cognitive neural firings, yet they somehow work together in beautiful harmony to synthesize your overall experience. In fact, we don’t even know the real difference between how we remember and how we think. But, we do know they are strongly intertwined. That is why truly improving memory can never simply be about using memory tricks, although they can be helpful in strengthening certain components of memory. Here’s the bottom line: To improve and preserve memory at the cognitive level, you have to .

* close call: 위기일발 ** intertwine: 뒤얽히게 하다

① keep your body and mind healthy

② calm your mind in stressful times

③ concentrate on one thing at a time

④ work on all functions of your brain

⑤ share what you learn with other people

 33. According to many philosophers, there is a purely logical reason why science will never be able to explain everything. For in order to explain something, whatever it is, we need to invoke something else. But what explains the second thing? To illustrate, recall that Newton explained a diverse range of phenomena using his law of gravity. But what explains the law of gravity itself? If someone asks why all bodies exert a gravitational attraction on each other, what should we tell them? Newton had no answer to this question. In Newtonian science the law of gravity was a fundamental principle: it explained other things, but could not itself be explained. The moral generalizes. However much the science of the future can explain, the explanations it gives will have to make use of certain fundamental laws and principles. Since nothing can explain itself, it follows that at least some of these laws and principles . [3점]

* invoke: 언급하다

① govern human’s relationship with nature

② are based on objective observations

③ will themselves remain unexplained

④ will be compared with other theories

⑤ are difficult to use to explain phenomena