The monarch butterfly has lovely bright colors splashed on its wings. The wings have white spots on the outer margins. The hind wings are rounded, and they are lighter in color than the front wings. The body is black with white spots. The mother butterfly lays only one egg on the underside of milkweed leaves, which hatches about three to five days
later. The monarch loves to fly around in the warm sunshine, from March through October, all across the United States. The monarch cannot survive the cold winter temperatures of the northern states. So, it very wisely migrates from the northern states to the south, and hibernates. The monarch is the only insect that can fly more than four thousand kilometers to a warmer climate.
* hibernate: 동면하다
① 날개의 바깥 가장자리에 흰 점이 있다.
② 뒷날개는 앞날개보다 색이 더 밝다.
③ 알은 약 3일에서 5일 후에 부화한다.
④ 북부 주의 추운 겨울 기온에 잘 버틴다.
⑤ 4천 킬로미터 넘게 날 수 있다.