마산 학원 (이겨내자꼭)

#삼계 영어 #삼계 수학



이겨내자꼭 2023. 3. 7. 20:48

23.다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Before the modern scientific era, creativity was attributed to a superhuman force; all novel ideas originated with the gods. After all, how could a person create something that did not exist before the divine act of creation? In fact, the Latin meaning of the verb “inspire” is “to breathe into,” reflecting the belief that creative inspiration was similar to the moment in creation when God first breathed life into man. Plato argued that the poet was possessed by divine inspiration, and Plotin wrote that art could only be beautiful if it descended from God. The artist’s job was not to imitate nature but rather to reveal the sacred and transcendent qualities of nature. Art could only be a pale imitation of the perfection of the world of ideas. Greek artists did not blindly imitate what they saw in reality; instead they tried to represent the pure, true forms underlying reality, resulting in a sort of compromise between abstraction and accuracy.

*transcendent: 초월적인

conflicting views on the role of artists

positive effects of imitation on creativity

contribution of art to sharing religious beliefs

gods as a source of creativity in the pre­modern era

collaboration between philosophy and art in ancient times





24.다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Some beginning researchers mistakenly believe that a good hypothesis is one that is guaranteed to be right (e.g., alcohol will slow down reaction time). However, if we already know your hypothesis is true before you test it, testing your hypothesis won’t tell us anything new. Remember, research is supposed to produce new knowledge. To get new knowledge, you, as a researcher­explorer, need to leave the safety of the shore (established facts) and venture into uncharted waters (as Einstein said, “If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?”). If your predictions about what will happen in these uncharted waters are wrong, that’s okay: Scientists are allowed to make mistakes (as Bates said, “Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind”). Indeed, scientists often learn more from predictions that do not turn out than from those that do.

*uncharted waters: 미개척 영역

Researchers, Don’t Be Afraid to Be Wrong

Hypotheses Are Different from Wild Guesses

Why Researchers Are Reluctant to Share Their Data

One Small Mistake Can Ruin Your Whole Research

Why Hard Facts Don’t Change Our Minds


28.Ingrid Bergman에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Ingrid Bergman was born in Stockholm, Sweden on August 29, 1915. Her mother was German and her father Swedish. Her mother died when she was three, and her father passed away when she was 12. Eventually she was brought up by her Uncle Otto and Aunt Hulda. She was interested in acting from an early age. When she was 17, she attended the Royal Dramatic Theater School in Stockholm. She made her debut on the stage but was more interested in working in films. In the early 1940s, she gained star status in Hollywood, playing many roles as the heroine of the film. Bergman was considered to have tremendous acting talent, an angelic natural beauty and the willingness to work hard to get the best out of films. She was fluent in five languages and appeared in a range of films, plays and TV productions.

어머니는 독일인이었고 아버지는 스웨덴인이었다.

17세에 Royal Dramatic Theater School에 다녔다.

영화를 통해 데뷔했으나 연극에 더 관심이 있었다.

1940년대 초에 할리우드에서 스타의 지위를 얻었다.

다섯 개의 언어에 유창했다.

29.다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

While reflecting on the needs of organizations, leaders, and families today, we realize that one of the unique characteristics is inclusivity. Why? Because inclusivity supports what everyone ultimately wants from their relationships: collaboration. Yet the majority of leaders, organizations, and families are still using the language of the old paradigm in which one persontypically the oldest, most educated, and/or wealthiestmakes all the decisions, and their decisions rule with little discussion or inclusion of others, resulting in exclusivity. Today, this person could be a director, CEO, or other senior leader of an organization. There is no need for others to present their ideas because they are considered inadequate. Yet research shows that exclusivity in problem solving, even with a genius, is not as effective as inclusivity, which everyone’s ideas are heard and a solution is developed through collaboration.