마산 학원 (이겨내자꼭)

#삼계 영어 #삼계 수학


21 고2 9월 18-21

이겨내자꼭 2023. 5. 16. 20:45

18. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?


Dear parents and students of Douglas School,


As you know, our school was built over 150 years ago. While we are proud of our school’s history, the facilities are not exactly what they should be for modern schooling. Thanks to a generous donation to the school foundation, we will be able to start renovating those parts of our campus that have become outdated. We hope this will help provide our students with the best education possible. I’m writing to inform you that the auditorium will be the first building closed for repairs. Students will not be able to use the auditorium for about one month while the repairs are taking place. We hope that you will understand how this brief inconvenience will encourage community­wide benefits for years to come.



Vice Principal Kyla Andrews


수리로 인한 강당 폐쇄를 안내하려고

캠퍼스 투어 프로그램 일정을 조정하려고

강당 사용을 위한 신청 방법을 공지하려고

강당 신축을 위한 기금 모금 행사를 홍보하려고

집짓기 행사에 참여할 자원 봉사자를 모집하려고


19. 다음 글에 드러난 Evan의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?


Evan’s eyes opened wide and his mouth made the shape of an O, which happened whenever something surprised him. “You don’t mean we’re leaving Sydney?” he asked. His mother had just told him they were leaving Sydney for his father’s work. “But what about school?” said Evan, interrupting her, a thing he knew he

was not supposed to do but which he felt he would be forgiven for on this occasion. “And what about Carl and Daniel and Martin? How will they know where I am when we want to do things together?” His mother told him that he would have to say goodbye to his friends for the time being but that she was sure Evan would see them again. “Say goodbye to them? Say goodbye to them?” He kept repeating himself, sounding more and more anxious with every repetition.


shocked and worried excited and pleased

grateful and relieved bored and indifferent

jealous and envious



20. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?


Without guidance from their teacher, students will not embark on a journey of personal development that recognizes the value of cooperation. Left to their own devices, they will instinctively become increasingly competitive with each other. They will compare scores, reports, and feedback within the classroom environment just as they do in the sporting arena. We don’t need to teach our students about winners and losers. The playground and the media do that for them. However, we do need to teach them that there is more to life than winning and about the skills they need for successful cooperation. A group working together successfully requires individuals with a multitude of social skills, as well as a high level of interpersonal awareness. While some students inherently bring a natural understanding of these skills with them, they are always in the minority. To bring

cooperation between peers into your classroom, you need to teach these skills consciously and carefully, and nurture them continuously throughout the school years.


학생의 참여가 활발한 수업 방법을 개발해야 한다.

학생에게 성공적인 협동을 위한 기술을 가르쳐야 한다.

학생의 의견을 존중하는 학교 분위기를 조성해야 한다.

학생의 전인적 발달을 위해 체육활동을 강화해야 한다.

정보를 올바르게 선별하도록 미디어 교육을 실시해야 한다.


leave ~ to one's own devices

~을 자기 뜻대로 하게 놔두다


21. 밑줄 친 bringing together contradictory characteristics가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?


The creative team exhibits paradoxical characteristics. It shows tendencies of thought and action that we’d assume to be mutually exclusive or contradictory. For example, to do its best work, a team needs deep knowledge of subjects relevant to the problem it’s trying to solve, and a mastery of the processes involved. But at the same time, the team needs fresh perspectives that are unencumbered by the prevailing wisdom or established ways of doing things. Often

called a “beginner’s mind,” this is the newcomers’ perspective: people who are curious, even playful, and willing to ask anything no matter how naive the question may seem because they don’t know what they don’t know. Thus, bringing together contradictory characteristics can accelerate the process of new ideas.

* unencumbered: 방해 없는

establishing short­term and long­term goals

performing both challenging and easy tasks

adopting temporary and permanent solutions

utilizing aspects of both experts and rookies

considering processes and results simultaneously