마산 학원 (이겨내자꼭)

#삼계 영어 #삼계 수학



이겨내자꼭 2023. 7. 13. 21:01



32. We might think that our gut instinct is just an inner feeling a secret interior voice but in fact it is shaped by a perception of something visible around us, such as a facial expression or a visual inconsistency so fleeting that often we’re

not even aware we’ve noticed it. Psychologists now think of this moment as a ‘visual matching game’. So a stressed, rushed or tired person is more likely to resort to this visual matching. When they see a situation in front of them, they quickly match it to a sea of past experiences stored in a mental knowledge bank and then, based on a match, they assign meaning to the information in front of them. The brain then sends a signal to the gut, which has many hundreds of nerve cells. So the visceral feeling we get in the pit of our stomach and the butterflies we feel are a(n) .


* gut: 직감, 창자 ** visceral: 본능적인

result of our cognitive processing system

instance of discarding negative memories

mechanism of overcoming our internal conflicts

visual representation of our emotional vulnerability

concrete signal of miscommunication within the brain




When it comes to climates in the interior areas of continents, mountains . A great example of this can be seen along the West Coast of the United States. Air moving from the Pacific Ocean toward the land usually has a great deal of moisture in it. When this humid air moves across the land, it encounters the Coast Range Mountains. As the air moves up and over the mountains, it begins to cool, which causes precipitation on the windward side of the mountains. Once the air moves down the opposite side of the mountains (called the leeward side) it has lost a great deal of moisture. The air continues to move and then hits the even higher Sierra Nevada mountain range. This second uplift causes most of the remaining moisture to fall out of the air, so by the time it reaches the leeward side of the Sierras, the air is extremely dry. The result is that much of the state of Nevada is a desert. [3]


increase annual rainfall in dry regions

prevent drastic changes in air temperature

play a huge role in stopping the flow of moisture

change wind speed as air ascends and descends them

equalize the amount of moisture of surrounding land areas


One vivid example of how is given by Dan Ariely in his book Predictably Irrational. He tells the story of a day care center in Israel that decided to fine parents who arrived late to pick up their children, in the hope that this would discourage them from doing so. In fact, the

exact opposite happened. Before the imposition of fines, parents felt guilty about arriving late, and guilt was effective in ensuring that only a few did so. Once a fine was introduced, it seems that in the minds of the parents the entire scenario was changed from a social contract to a market one. Essentially, they were paying for the center to look after their children after hours. Some parents thought it worth the price, and the rate of late arrivals increased. Significantly, once the center abandoned the fines and went back to the previous arrangement, late arrivals remained at the high level they had reached during the period of the fines. [3]


people can put aside their interests for the common good

changing an existing agreement can cause a sense of guilt

imposing a fine can compensate for broken social contracts

social bonds can be insufficient to change people’s behavior

a market mindset can transform and undermine an institution