마산 학원 (이겨내자꼭)

#삼계 영어 #삼계 수학



이겨내자꼭 2023. 10. 5. 20:43




Running a business that sells goods and services to consumers requires getting to know the products they like. More than that, however, you want to . In traditional or online sales, people are bound to favorably regard the vendor and product that they could easily inquire about and quickly acquire in good order. Using the product can increase or decrease their satisfaction, and they will remember to repurchase products that meet and exceed their expectations. Traditional stores make the shopping experience pleasant by their displays and personal service. Internet retailers lead buyers to products they want through speedy searches and clicks. A new online selling method that can generate millions of dollars in purchases within a few minutes is livestream selling. That’s when hosts streaming their shows live demonstrate a product and even interactively receive comments and answer questions from their viewers through the power of social media. If they like the product, they buy it immediately through an e-commerce feature on the platform. Buyers say that the experience is so convenient, it is like talking to a friend. [3]

provide rare items that can draw others’ eyes

maximize the profit through competitive incentives

link positive experiences to the products they purchase

examine the current state of digital marketing technologies

convince yourself the product is a must-have in their lives



In Hegel’s philosophy, even though there is interaction and interrelation between the universal and the individual, . For Hegel, individuals are not distinguished in terms of Reason. In Philosophy of Right Hegel stresses particularity and universality as follows: “A man, who acts perversely, exhibits particularity. The rational is the highway on which everyone travels, and no one is specially marked.” Here, Hegel maintains that individuals can be differentiated from each other in terms of their acts but they are not differentiated with respect to reason. There are specific thoughts, but they are finally resolved into the universal. One might say that Hegel seems to focus on the individual like Aristotle but in reality, he subtly treats the universal as fundamental whereas Aristotle considers the individual as primary substance and universal as secondary substance; in so doing Aristotle emphasizes the universal to be subordinate to the individual in contrast to Hegel. [3]

* perversely: 별나게

an individual stands alone apart from the universe

the universal still has more priority than the individual

universal truth cannot be the key to individual problems

individuals can’t deduce universal principles from reality itself

every individual should have his or her own particular universe



35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

One of the branches of postmodernism examines the structure of language and how it is used. It challenges the assumption that language can be precisely used to represent reality. Meanings of words are ambiguous, as words are only signs or labels given to concepts (what is signified) and therefore there is no necessary correspondence between the word and the meaning, the signifier and the signified. The use of signs (words) and their meaning can vary depending on the flow of the text in which they are used, leading to the possibility of ‘deconstructing’ text to reveal its underlying inconsistencies. Reality exists outside of our thoughts, and it is only through language that we are able to perceive the natural world as it really is. This approach can be applied to all forms of representation pictures, films, etc. that gain added or alternative meanings by the overlaying of references to previous uses. This can be seen particularly in the media, where it is difficult to distinguish the real from the unreal everything is representation, there is no reality.



[36 ~ 37] 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


The Earth formed from rocky and metallic fragments during the construction of the solar system debris that was swept up by an initial nucleus and attracted together into a single body by the force of gravity.


(A) This increasing gravity, combined with the timeless radioactive decay of elements like uranium and thorium, caused the new Earth to heat up. The internal temperature and pressure were high enough for many compounds to break down or melt, releasing their water and gases.


(B) The original materials were cold as outer space and dry as dust; whatever water and gases they contained were locked inside individual fragments as chemical compounds. As the fragments joined, the Earth’s gravity increased, attracting larger and larger objects to impact the Earth.


(C) Even solid material could begin to move and flow under such conditions. Separation by density began, and the Earth started to organize into its present layered structure. The heaviest metals sank to the center; the lightest materials

migrated outward.


(A) - (C) - (B) (B) - (A) - (C)

(B) - (C) - (A) (C) - (A) - (B)

(C) - (B) - (A)