마산 학원 (이겨내자꼭)

#삼계 영어 #삼계 수학



이겨내자꼭 2023. 2. 2. 19:54

In most of the world, capitalism and free markets are accepted today as constituting the best system for allocating economic resources and encouraging economic output. Nations have tried other systems, such as socialism and communism, but in many cases they have either switched wholesale to or adopted aspects of free markets. Despite the widespread acceptance of the free­market system,                                                    . Government involvement takes many forms, ranging from the enactment and enforcement of laws and regulations to direct participation in the economy through entities like the U.S.’s mortgage agencies. Perhaps the most important form of government involvement, however, comes in the attempts of central banks and national treasuries to control and affect the ups and downs of economic cycles. [3점]
* enactment: (법률의) 제정 ** entity: 실체

① markets are rarely left entirely free
② governments are reluctant to intervene
③ supply and demand are not always balanced
④ economic inequality continues to get worse 
⑤ competition does not guarantee the maximum profit

 *either (switched wholesale to )or (adopted aspects of )free markets



35. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Inflationary risk refers to uncertainty regarding the future real value of one’s investments. Say, for instance, that you hold $100 in a bank account that has no fees and accrues no interest. If left untouched there will always be $100 in that bank account. ① If you keep that money in the bank for a year, during which inflation is 100 percent, you’ve still got $100. ② Only now, if you take it out and put it in your wallet, you’ll only be able to purchase half the goods you could have bought a year ago. ③ In other words, if inflation increases faster than the amount of interest you are earning, this will decrease the purchasing power of your investments over time. ④ It would be very useful to know in advance what would happen to your firm’s total revenue if you increased your product’s price. ⑤ That’s why we differentiate between nominal value and real value. 
* accrue: 생기다 ** nominal: 명목의, 액면(상)의

refer to 
동사 …에 돌리다, 회부하다, 언급[지칭]하다, …에 조회하다, …에 적용되다. (=attribute, mention, look at for information, concern.)

전치사 … 에 관하여[대하여]

 If left untouched --> If (it is) left untouched (5형식의 수동태)

during which inflation is 100 percent,(전치사 + 관대):계속적 용법
그리고 그동안,

 you could have bought a year ago. 가정법 과거완료

That’s (the reason) why he left. 그래서 ...다.
That’s because he was ill. 왜냐하면,