31. It is not the peasant’s goal to produce the highest possible time‐averaged crop yield, averaged over many years. If your time‐averaged yield is marvelously high as a result of the combination of nine great years and one year of crop failure, you will still starve to death in that one year of crop failure before you can look back to congratulate yourself on your great time‐averaged yield. Instead, the peasant’s aim is to make sure to produce a yield above the starvation level in every single year, even though the time‐averaged yield may not be highest. That’s why may make sense. If you have just one big field, no matter how good it is on the average, you will starve when the inevitable occasional year arrives in which your one field has a low yield. But if you have many different fields, varying independently of each other, then in any given year some of your fields will produce well even when your other fields are producing poorly. [3점]
① land leveling
② weed trimming
③ field scattering
④ organic farming
⑤ soil fertilization
New Yorkers would be crowded to death.(몹시, 결과의 전치사)
32. There are several reasons why support may not be effective. One possible reason is that receiving help could be a blow to self‐esteem. A recent study by Christopher Burke and Jessica Goren at Lehigh University examined this possibility. According to the threat to self‐esteem model, help can be perceived as supportive and loving, or it can be seen as threatening if that help is interpreted as implying incompetence. According to Burke and Goren, support is especially likely to be seen as threatening if it is in an area that is self‐relevant or self‐defining — that is, in an area where your own success and achievement are especially important. Receiving help with a self‐relevant task can , and this can undermine the potential positive effects of the help. For example, if your self‐concept rests, in part, on your great cooking ability, it may be a blow to your ego when a friend
helps you prepare a meal for guests because it suggests that you’re not the master chef you thought you were.
① make you feel bad about yourself
② improve your ability to deal with challenges
③ be seen as a way of asking for another favor
④ trick you into thinking that you were successful
⑤ discourage the person trying to model your behavior
that is (to say)
(you thought) you were.
관계대명사의 생략
① 타동사 또는 전치사의 목적격.
* This is the boy (whom) we saw yesterday. (동사의 목적어)
* He has no friend (whom) he can depend upon. (전치사의 목적어)
* This is the house (which) he lives in.
◇ 관계대명사를 생략 할 때, 관계대명사 앞에 있는 전치사는 뒤에 온다.
② 주격보어, 목적격보어로 쓰일 때
* He is not the man (which or that) he was two years ago.
③ there is, there are구문에서
* He taught me the difference (that) there is between right and wrong.
* There is a boy (who) wants to see you.
④ 강조 구문에서.
* It was he (that) met her yesterday.